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Climate activists sabotage golf course by filling holes with cement.

“Businesses, CEOs and shareholders should bear the cost of transitioning to a more sustainable Environment.”

Photo: Shutterstock


Businesses, CEOs and shareholders should bear the cost of transitioning to a more sustainable Environment.

Climáximo, an environmental activist group in Portugal similar to England’s Extinction Rebellion, has targeted the Paço do Lumiar golf course in Lisbon, cementing up several holes overnight. The group’s motivation stems from its belief that the golf course is frequented by high-ranking business figures who should bear the financial burden of the ‘energy transition’. The vandals left flags with the message “disarm the weapons”, referring to airplanes, symbolizing their stance against environmental destruction.

This incident follows a pattern of disruptive actions by Climáximo, with members now facing legal consequences for their various stunts. This recent act mirrors a protest in July in Oeiras, where Climáximo supporters also cemented golf course holes, criticizing the unequal water access and the upper class’s responsibility for the climate crisis.

Climáximo argues that golf courses in urban areas could be repurposed for public use, such as forests or housing, instead of serving the luxury of the rich. However, their perspective clashes with the fact that modern golf courses are generally environmentally conscious, especially regarding water conservation.

Despite Climáximo’s efforts, the group’s narrative does not align with the reality of golf courses actively adopting sustainable practices. While the activists view golf courses as symbols of economic elites destroying the planet, some argue that they are disconnected from broader support. Environmental NGOs in the country have distanced themselves from Climáximo’s recent activities, and even comments on the group’s own social media platforms criticize them as vandals, urging them to find employment and contribute positively to society.

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